明一国际坚持“一切为了孩子”的企业宗旨,“更生态 更健康”的品牌理念,依托福建省建宁县得天独厚的有机生态资源,着力进行一二三产业融合,建立以生态养殖、乳制品生产、绿色观光、电子商务等多产业集群,实现集团全产业链的融合发展。
Wissun International adheres to the corporate tenet of "everything for children" and the brand concept of "more ecological and healthier". Relying on the unique organic ecological resources of Jianning County, Fujian Province, it focuses on the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and establishes ecological breeding and dairy product production, green tourism, e-commerce and other multi-industry clusters to achieve the integrated development of the entire industrial chain of the group.